Friday, October 18, 2013

A Little Organizing on the Way

This week, Richelle is due to her first doctor appointment after being released from the hospital as a perfectly healthy newborn. This month, big sister Rachel is also due for her immunization. Although Rachel and I have been a loyal customer for one of the most well-known women-and-children hospital chain, due to some uncomfortable situations we encountered during my stay in one of their hospitals for Richelle's labor, my husband and I decided that it is best that we change to a hospital that can cater our need more. 

I wish I had my camera with me when we visited the hospital of our choice for the first time. Excuse my lack of energy, I was only a week post-partum that day and I cannot imagine carrying my camera with me along with both girls. 

It was also come to my attention that our medical records need re-arrangement. I mean, the medical record books have been lying in the bedside table drawer all the time along with some transaction receipts. 

Although it is better to have the arrangement once we settled in our new house (everything seems postponed until the house ready, doesn't it) I think I will start with a baby step of determining the system I will use for keeping the medical files of the baby. 

So I turn to one of my favorite site here to find me a guidance. Toni of A Bowl full of Lemons keeps her family medical records in a filing system along with financial, house, automotive, and other documents as follows:

Because I want to discuss about the medical records only, I put how Toni divide the red 'zone' as follows:

Red Category - Medical & Pets

- Paid doctor bills
- Benefit summaries (Not sure if we have one here nor do I understand what it means)
- One medical folder for each family member
- Prescription
- Vision
- Dental
- Vet
- One folder for each pet

I understand that there is not any single rule on how you are supposed to organize your medical records. You have to customize to meet you and your family needs and we have to remember that every member of the family has specific needs.

So I think this is how I am going to categorize our medical records :

- One big folder or filing box to gather all our family documents

- Each family member has their own folder which we are going to have four folders:
(1). Daddy
(2). Mommy
(3). Rachel
(4). Richelle
- Each folders has four sub-folders:
(1). Medical records 
(2). Medical bills
(3). All prescription drug information
(4). Test result (if any)

 Although I like the way it looks in Toni's post, we cannot find the same nor the similar products here. So I will browse around should I find products here with similar function and appealing looks for our medical records. 

Until next time.

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